Mindset Synergy work with organisations and employees to increase skills and strengthen performance, increase employees engagement with the organisations mission, vision and values, and align their work with strategic plans.

This is achieved through customised organisational development work that includes assessment, diagnosis, design, development, implementation, evaluation and reinforcement. Educating employees strengthens the development of the human mind, and it increases the powers of observation, analysis, integration, understanding, decision making, and adjustment to new situations.

Why train staff?

Have you received poor customer satisfaction surveys?
Are your performance statistics and reports showing a decline?
Have you done a SWOT analysis lately? What does your competitor analysis say?
What is management feedback telling you on employee needs, including information from employee appraisals?
Do you have audits coming up?
What type of gaps do you have in your training requirements?
Do you need assistance meeting your quality assurance needs – see Quality Assurance and Compliance for further information
Have you conducted satisfaction and feedback surveys from staff? What is their feedback on training needs?
Does policy and strategic priorities set a different direction for training?
Have you covered your organisational requirements around legislative pressures?

Types of Training

In-service Training and Staff Development

Induction or orientation training

This training will acquaint your new employee to their positions, the organisations mission, vision and values.  This training will develop an attitude of personal dedication to the service of people and the organisation.  New employees are more likely to be attentive and open-minded and this is the most favourable time for moulding good habits among them.

Foundation training

This training will be set up and customised to your industry requirements.  This will cover all legislative requirements around safety, government regulations, work practices, financial transactions, administrative capability, communication skills, leadership ability, coordination and cooperation, report writing, quality and compliance standards, and so on.  This training is offered early on in the employment relationship and any time as a refresher course.

On-the-job training

This is ad-hoc or regular training, with subject matter discussed due to changing needs. This training may update employees on information, or enable them to add to the knowledge and skills they have already.

Refresher or maintenance training

This training will assist your employees in updating specialised subject matter. This training keeps employees at their peak performance and prevents them from getting into a rut.

Career development training or performance management

This training will assist your employees to upgrade their knowledge, skills and ability to help them assume greater responsibility in higher positions. This training is customised to your organisational and employee needs.

If you know your staff need training but don’t know where to start, Mindset Synergy will sit with you to identify training needs, and your trainer will set out phases and steps of each process.

Mindset Synergy works in partnership with your organisation and will select a training method that works best for your employees such as instructor presentation; group discussion; demonstration; assigned reading; exercise; case study; role play; field visit and/or study tour.

All training will be evaluated to determine the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of activities in light of their objectives.

How is training evaluated?

Mindset Synergy use Kirkpatrick’s four criteria evaluate training programmes.


Each criterion is used to measure the different aspects of a training programme. Reaction measures how your staff/managers/volunteers liked the programme in terms of content, methods, duration, trainers, facilities, and management. Learning measures their skills and knowledge which they were able to absorb at the time of training. Behaviour is concerned with the extent to which they were able to apply their knowledge to real work situations. Results are concerned with the tangible impact of the training programme on individuals, their job environment, or the organization as a whole

Below are some Examples of the types of Training that is offered by Mindset Synergy:

Anti-Discrimination and Equity
Authentic and Ethical Leadership
Change Management
Developing People and Capabilities
Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace
Increase Employee Engagement
Management Practices
Quality Assurance Training
Skill Building
Strengthening Organisational Culture
Succession Planning
Team Building
Talent Management
Wellbeing of Staff
Workplace Health and Safety
and more, as this is a customised service